Hotel Information

Hotel Information

You may reserve your room needs by calling Hotel Ursa directly at 207-962-1313 and requesting a room off of the “Penobscot Nation block”
You may reserve directly online:

Click Reservations
Click check in date and a drop down calendar will appear
Click your check in date and then your check out date, both directly on that calendar.  This will update the stay range as the system defaults to a one night stay otherwise.
Click on “special codes or rates”
Change promo code to Group Code
Enter group code:  HTWC2024 and search

This will apply your group discount and allow you to go through the remainder of the reservation choosing your room type and entering all contact and payment information.

You will receive a confirmation email from the system upon booking and then follow the 48 hour cancellation policy. 

*You have until September 9th, when any rooms not reserved will be released back into public sale booking channels.  Any additional requests after this date will be upon room and rate availability only.